Cloud Browser] minutes - 16 March 2016

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Chris!




                               - DRAFT -

                      Web and TV: Cloud Browser TF

16 Mar 2016

   See also: [2]IRC log



          Kaz, Alexandra, Nilo, Yosuke, Chris, Colin, Louay




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Architecture document
         2. [5]Terminology
     * [6]Summary of Action Items
     * [7]Summary of Resolutions

Architecture document

   <scribe> scribe: Chris

   <inserted> scribenick: cpn

   Alexandra: We'll go through the architecture, use cases, and
   ... Starting with terminology

   <alexandra_mikityuk> [8]Cloud Browser Architecture wiki


   Yosuke: I'd like to mention the status of MSE and EME
   ... These are in the process of getting to a version 1 spec, so
   if we want to add something new into these specs, we'll need to
   do it quickly
   ... Our proposals for MSE and EME are likely to be added to
   version 2 of these specs

   Alexandra: We have a couple of things for those specs to take
   into consideration
   ... Can I give a brief descriptions of the use cases?

   Yosuke: Please send these privately, and I'll look into how the
   WG can deal with your input

   Alexandra: It would be very good if the group could add to v1

   Yosuke: I think it's OK to have a quick look and give some

   <NiloMitra> +q

   Alexandra: We'll add this task as an issue in GitHub


   <kaz> [9]Terminology section


   Nilo: I have suggested some changes in terminology

   Alexandra: [ reviews the terminology ]

   <NiloMitra> +q

   Alexandra: I'll address in-band and out-of-band media in the
   next two weeks
   ... Please suggest any changes to the terminology

   Nilo: For clarification, looking at the single-stream and cloud
   player cell, as this is an encrypted stream, should the client
   also have the ability to decrypt?

   Alexandra: The idea was: if we terminate the EME functionality
   in the cloud, they cannot use EME/MSE as defined in the
   ... So we may use decryption libraries in the client
   ... But I'll need to expand the description by adding current
   DRM and CA deployments

   Nilo: I think I see what you're getting at

   Alexandra: I can take an action to make the table more

   Kaz: Should we standardise the client mechanism, or leave the
   client-side do anything proprietary?

   Alexandra: We've tried to focus on the interface between the
   cloud browser and the client
   ... But we may need to look at different options for the
   client, but I don't think we need to standardise the client,
   from my point of view

   Colin: It's a good question, we should discuss this here. If
   standardised, it may be easier to integrate, but I don't have
   an answer yet

   Alexandra: Thank you Kaz, it's a good point

   Nilo: Can I go back to the question of out-of-band and in-band?
   Out-of-band suggests there are two channels, and in-band one

   Alexandra: Yes, that's what I tried to show. When we talk about
   out-of-band media, it's for picture #3, where we can deliver
   video data separately from the UI data
   ... Out-of-band media is a good term, as the media is delivered
   ... I'll work on the table, and think about the client
   standardisation approach
   ... Yosuke, can you explain your question about the DOM

   Yousuke: In traditional browsers, the DOM tree is in the client
   machine, but in the cloud browser it's in the servers, and the
   UA is in the client

   Alexandra: I think it's important to describe what we mean by
   the cloud browser
   ... Colin and I could work on this together and present it in
   two weeks

   Kaz: It depends whether or not we want to separate the HTML
   parsing module from the rendering module

   Alexandra: This question goes to the standardisation of the
   cloud browser itself
   ... We should look at which functions belong to the client and
   which to the cloud browser
   ... A table that clarifies these functions could help a lot

   Kaz: There could be one parsing module and several rendering
   modules, for different functions, e.g., accessibility, text
   rendering, speech rendering, etc

   Alexandra: The idea was to take the out of the box browser and
   it works, but this would help to clarify
   ... Regarding use cases, I want to encourage everybody to go
   through the use case list, and maybe Chris could add something
   from the content perspective
   ... For the next 2 weeks I'll focus on the video use case for
   MSE and the security use case with EME, to feed into the MSE
   and EME groups
   ... Are there other suggestions or proposals for now?
   ... Thank you all for your participation, and see you in two

   <kaz> [ adjourned ]

   <scribe> ACTION: Alexandra to send Yosuke use cases for MSE and
   EME [recorded in


   <trackbot> Created ACTION-219 - Send yosuke use cases for mse
   and eme [on Alexandra Mikityuk - due 2016-03-23].

   <scribe> ACTION: Alexandra to add a table clarifying which
   function belong to the client and which to the cloud browser
   [recorded in


   <trackbot> Created ACTION-220 - Add a table clarifying which
   function belong to the client and which to the cloud browser
   [on Alexandra Mikityuk - due 2016-03-23].

   <scribe> ACTION: Alexandra to clarify description by adding
   information on DRM and CA deployments [recorded in


   <trackbot> Created ACTION-221 - Clarify description by adding
   information on drm and ca deployments [on Alexandra Mikityuk -
   due 2016-03-23].

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Alexandra to add a table clarifying which
   function belong to the client and which to the cloud browser
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Alexandra to clarify description by adding
   information on DRM and CA deployments [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Alexandra to send Yosuke use cases for MSE and
   EME [recorded in


Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [16]scribe.perl version
    1.144 ([17]CVS log)
    $Date: 2016/03/16 13:56:50 $


Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2016 14:04:57 UTC