[GGIE] Minutes for September 9th meeting

Hello all,

Here are the minutes from the GGIE call on September 9th:

and pasted in full below. Thanks to Bill for scribing.

With regards,


                      Web and TV IG: GGIE meeting

9 Sep 2015


          Glenn Deen, Bill Rose, Nilo Mitra, Kazuyuki Ashimura,
          Paul Higgs, Leslie Daigle, Bill Hoffmann, Giri Mandyam

          Daniel Davis




     * [2]Call admin
     * [3]Review of aggregated set of use-cases that have been
       submitted during the past 8 months.
     * [4]Discussion on User Discovery UCs
     * [5]Discussion on Viewing UCs
     * [6]Discussion on Content Identification UCs
     * [7]Discussion on Source Access UCs
     * [8]Discussion on Cache UC-1 Cache Query and Cache UC-2
       Cache Discovery (same page as Source Access)
     * [9]Discussion on Content Capture UCs
     * [10]Next meeting

Call admin

   <glennd> The remaining online meetings will be to prepare for
   the Japan F2F. The tasks are to review all Use Cases; Identify
   which ones should be eliminated or postponed until 2016;
   identify which are important for this year but which may need
   additional discussion.

Review of aggregated set of use-cases that have been submitted during
the past 8 months.

   <glennd> Looking at the GGIE Common Requirements figure from
   the wiki (Smart Edge-Creation/Core/Smart Edge-Viewing)
   [11]https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/GGIE_TF I’d like to
   create a large poster of the figure for TPAC. If anyone has any
   changes or comments on the figure please let me know.

     [11] https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/GGIE_TF

   <gmandyam> When we discuss the UCs should the Core include
   broadcaster requirements/issues on supplemental services such
   as emergency alerting?

   <glennd> Good question. We have not addressed that.

   Action Item: Capture question for further discussion, perhaps
   for 2016.

Discussion on User Discovery UCs


     [12] https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/GGIE_TF/UseCases/User_Discovery

   <glennd> There has been some confusion as to whether this means
   discovering the user versus discovering content. Is there any
   discussion on the 3 User Discovery UCs? Should we rename to
   avoid confusion?

   <Bill Hoffmann> Should we rename to avoid confusion?

   <glennd> Good idea.

   Action Item: Bill Rose to rename the category from “User
   Discovery” to “User Content Discovery”

   <Bill Hoffmann> Is guided discovery included in this category?
   E.g. “if you like that, you might like this”

   <glennd> We did not discuss guided discovery. Glenn asked Bill
   to write up a UC on it.

   <gmandyam> Cannot assume things like “last channel” is known
   when discovery crosses delivery channels

   Action Item: Bill H, Giri will work on UCs to cover guided
   channel, cross delivery channel discovery.

Discussion on Viewing UCs


     [13] https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/GGIE_TF/UseCases/Streaming

   <gmandyam> Could not find anything covering interactivity,
   timed media events, data queues, etc.

   <glennd> Good point. Is there some related work by the Second
   Screen group?

   <Kaz> I posted a URI from the Second Screen WG with 6 UCs.

     [14] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/blob/gh-pages/uc-req.md

   <gmandyam> I was not really thinking about second screen for
   this. Will post some ideas to the reflector. Should this be an
   extension of UC-1 or UC-2?

   <glennd> I think it is UC-2 Streamed Content Viewing

   Action Item: Giri will add a UC covering interactivity, etc.,
   based on Viewing UC-2 Streamed Content Viewing.

   <glennd> Streaming UC-3 Identifying Streamed Content covers the
   concept of an application identifying the content it is playing
   and using the identification information to obtain a list of
   server URLs for the content, select a URL it wishes to access
   the content from, record it, perform trick play, etc. Some
   clients have some Automatic Content Recognition built in but
   not specifically for this purpose (mainly ads). SMPTE is
   working on adding IDs (AdID, EIDR) to content. This UC goes
   substantially beyond what is being done today.

   <glennd> Streaming-UC-4 Manipulating streamed content covers
   the situation where content items may be interposed with other
   content to create the version that is streamed to the user.
   E.g. ad insertion.

   <Nilo> This is the top level UC for e.g. ad insertion

   <glennd> Streaming-UC-5 Streamed Content Ad Insertion
   Interstitial Ads. Covers dynamic insertion of ads from
   secondary parties. Are there any other related UCs for
   streaming we are missing? There were no responses.

Discussion on Content Identification UCs



   <glennd> UC-1 User Device Retrieval of Content Address(es)
   Using EPG/Title covers how to resolve an address from the EPG
   title which includes the content ID. Are there any additional
   Identification or measurement UCs that should be added?

   <Kaz> There are opportunities for demos and breakout sessions
   at TPAC. Can we show any demos on GGIE?

   <glennd> Lets take this up on the reflector.

   <Leslie> Are you suggesting breakout sessions are different
   from posters or demos?

   <Kaz> We can do a poster to bring people to a breakout session
   on Wednesday after the Plenary to broaden audience for GGIE.

   <Leslie> Are you then suggesting we hold a poster session and
   followed up with some breakout talks?

   <Kaz> Yes. Wednesday would gain a wider audience than Monday.

   <glennd> Let's do it.

   Action Item: Glenn to work with Kaz to add a breakout session.
   Also to look at who is registered from GGIE for TPAC and to get
   one or two to speak.

Discussion on Source Access UCs


     [16] https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/GGIE_TF/UseCases/Source_Access

   <glennd> This category basically focused on caching.
   Source-Query-UC-1 Basic Query by Content identifier URI
   addresses the user querying a lookup service using a content
   URI which finds the authoritative service which returns the
   results through the lookup service to the user application.

   <gmandyam> Does the source of the identifier matter? Do we need
   to address e.g. the client support for a watermark
   detection/resolution mechanism at the client to accomplish

   <glennd> This UC does not address where the URI comes from. The
   app somehow “knows” the URI for this UC. UC-2 “Query by Content
   identifier URI with delegated sub-namespace” gets into how to
   resolve the URI via a hierarchy of services.

Discussion on Cache UC-1 Cache Query and Cache UC-2 Cache Discovery
(same page as Source Access)

   <glennd> UC-1 covers how to query a cache for content and the
   content original source. UC-2 covers a cache advertising itself
   on the network so it can be discovered by the viewing device.
   We may need more discussion on this subject before TPAC.

Discussion on Content Capture UCs



   <glennd> Capture-UC-2 Assigning a unique content identifier at
   asset capture gets into how a capture device obtains a unique
   content identifier. Capture UC-3 Fingerprinting and associating
   a content identifier at asset capture covers the capturing
   device generating a fingerprint of the captured content and
   registering it along with the unique content ID.

   <glennd> Capture UC-4 3rd Party Composite Asset From Multiple
   Sources. Allows a 3rd party to create a new asset from one or
   more original assets (commercial, social, etc.), potentially
   adding new content e.g. audio, and making the new asset
   available. UC-5 adds to UC-4 by allowing the new asset to be
   sent as a series of links to the original assets along with
   timing information, etc., necessary to allow the client/viewer
   to assemble the asset from the original sources. This is a very
   sophisticated UC. Should we write up a narrative for this UC to
   illuminate it better? This might be a good one to discuss at
   TPAC at a breakout session as a next gen video challenge.

   Action Item: Bill to create a narrative for this UC and send to
   Glenn for discussion.

   <glennd> Are there any other Capture scenarios we need to add
   for the 2015 cycle? There were none. Getting back to the big
   picture, we have not covered User Identity, privacy issues, or
   ingest this year. Are there any other issues we have not
   identified? [None were noted.]

Next meeting

   <glennd> Sept 23; October 7, both at 11:00 AM ET. Note: October
   7 will be the final call before TPAC. No call on October 21.

   <glennd> Meeting adjourned

Summary of Action Items

  Action Items created during this call

     * Capture question for further discussion, perhaps for 2016.
     * Bill Rose to rename the category from “User Discovery” to
       “User Content Discovery”
     * Bill H, Giri will work on UCs to cover guided channel,
       cross delivery channel discovery.
     * Giri will add a UC covering interactivity, etc., based on
       Viewing UC-2 Streamed Content Viewing.
     * Glenn to work with Kaz to add a breakout session. Also to
       look at who is registered from GGIE for TPAC and to get one
       or two to speak.
     * Bill to create a narrative for this UC and send to Glenn
       for discussion.

   [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 14 September 2015 08:29:11 UTC