Draft Agenda for Web and TV IG F2F meeting, TPAC, Sapporo, Oct 26

Hi Web and TV IG participants,

Regarding the IG face-to-face meeting during TPAC in Sapporo on October 26, the 
co-chairs and team contacts have finished creating the draft agenda with the 
help of the TF moderator and some related CG chairs. Please take a look at the 
draft agenda and feel free to make your comments or ask any questions on this ML.


Note that this is a tentative agenda which will be finalized during the agenda 
bashing session on the meeting day. However, the morning slots for the TV 
Control API CG and GGIE TF are already fixed to encourage the remote 
participation of active contributors in the groups who can't make it to Sapporo 
this time.


Yosuke Funahashi
co-Chair, W3C Web and TV IG
Web Media Specialist, W3C
Project Associate Professor, Keio University

Received on Monday, 19 October 2015 11:36:18 UTC