- From: Daniel Davis <ddavis@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 18:00:26 +0900
- To: "public-web-and-tv@w3.org" <public-web-and-tv@w3.org>
Hi all, Ahead of vacation time for many people, here is an update of some recent activity and upcoming calls/meetings. == GGIE (Glass-to-Glass Internet Ecosystem) == The group's recent activity is a continuing discussion of new end-to-end digital video use cases include dynamic ad insertion and mapping of well defined URI names to deliver Caches. Call to action: GGIE is soon going to begin deep diving into select use cases with the intention of fleshing out in detail the end-end use cases, and to identify gaps in current standards that are preventing the use case from being available for implementation. We are also looking at what the group will focus on in 2016, including areas such as deeper work on identity and privacy for digital content creators and viewers. See the current use cases linked from the GGIE website: https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/GGIE_TF The next call to discuss these will be on Wednesday 19th August at 11:00am EST (see http://timeanddate.com/s/2v2f ). == Multi-Device Timing Community Group == Recent activities of the Multi-device Timing CG [1] have focused on filling gaps in the draft spec of the TimingObject [2]. The overall goal is to make the spec ready for standardisation by September/October, hopefully so that it may be ready for inclusion in the proposed Timed Media Working Group [3] from the start. Recent discussions and draft edits have been concerned with 1. how the TimingObject connects to online timing sources, providing a fundament for precisely timed operation in a broad range of multi-device Web applications. 2. how to connect HTMLMediaElements to the TimingObject, thereby enabling precisely timed, multi-device video/audio presentations, collaborative viewing, video synchronisation, dynamic switching between video sources/ad-insertion etc. 3. how to connect sequencer logic (TimedTextTracks) to the TimingObject, thereby enabling precisely timed, multi-device visualisation of timed data (subtitles, transcripts, comments, data-series, etc). The TimingObject spec draft has recently been updated to cover these objectives, and we invite feedback from interested parties (Web TV IG members in particular) during August/September (see [4]). The MTCG will also be focussing on outreach, as multi-device timing likely is relevant for several groups involved with media related activities (capturing, transcripts, captioning, track support, animation, multi screen, remote control, audio, interactivity, animation, etc). Timing concepts have also been implemented independently by Motion Corporation [5], and by Francois Daoust (W3C) [6]. During August we expect further contributions for B). (MediaSync) and C). (Sequencer) from the EU project MediaScape [7], as well as a report on current status of HTMLMediaElements and their ability to support timed presentation. [1] https://www.w3.org/community/webtiming/ [2] http://webtiming.github.io/timingobject/ [3] http://w3c.github.io/charter-html/timed-media-wg.html [4] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webtiming/2015Jul/0019.html. [5] http://motioncorporation.com [6] https://github.com/webtiming/timingobject [7] http://mediascapeproject.eu == TV Control API == The current focus is on completing the technical specification of the TV Control API which is on track for completion of the Editor's Draft by the end of 2015. Here's the current draft: http://w3c.github.io/tvapi/spec/ Most recently discussion and spec edits have focused on recording and time-shifting. Work is being tracked in a progress table showing areas that are supported and unsupported in the current spec: https://www.w3.org/community/tvapi/wiki/Main_Page/Progress_Measurement The next monthly conference call will be on Tuesday 4th August at 9:00am ET (see http://timeanddate.com/s/2v2e ). New participants are very welcome to join in. Call-in details are here: https://www.w3.org/community/tvapi/wiki/Main_Page#Resources == HTML Media Task Force -> Timed Media Working Group == The big news is the evolution of the Media Task Force into a proposed new working group for Timed Media, namely video and audio. This is part of a move towards modularization of HTML and its APIs. A blog post was published this week about this proposal: http://www.w3.org/blog/2015/07/moving-the-web-platform-forward/ The Timed Media Working Group itself is now going through charter review with possible additional deliverables covering transcripts, captioning support, inband track support, media capture and synchronization. On this last topic there is the potential to adopt the work done by the Multi-Device Timing Community Group (see above). See the full proposed charter here: https://w3c.github.io/charter-html/timed-media-wg.html == Second Screen Working Group == The minutes of the group's face-to-face meeting from May in Berlin are available online: http://www.w3.org/2015/05/19-webscreens-minutes.html The spec continues to mature and recent edits include the specification of a PresentationRequest object and defaultRequest attribute. The latest changes are listed here: https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/commits/gh-pages Like the Web and TV Interest Group, the Second Screen Working Group will have its next face-to-face meeting at TPAC 2015 in Sapporo, Japan: http://www.w3.org/2015/10/TPAC/ That's a lot to digest so of course feel free to send a mail to this list if you have questions or would like to discuss something further. With regards, Daniel Davis W3C
Received on Thursday, 30 July 2015 09:01:03 UTC