[Reminder] IG call tomorrow, Jun 12, 9-10:30am (EDT)

Hi IG members,

This is just a reminder that we have our IG call scheduled tomorrow.

We'll talk about updates and follow-ups of the Media APIs TF's second batch [1] 
and share information from the AC meeting which is relevant to the IG such as 
updates on W3C testing activity. Additionally, Daniel, Kaz, and I had a 
conversation with Janina and Mark from W3C accessbility activity about what we 
can do collaboratively, which we'll share in the call as well.

Call details:
   When: Wednesday, 9:00am-10:30am US Eastern
   Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200
   Conference code: 932881 ("WEBTV1")

I'm looking forward to talking with you.


Yosuke Funahashi
co-Chair, W3C Web and TV IG
Chair, W3C Web and Broadcasting BG
Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC
Special Adviser, Tomo-Digi Corporation

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2014 18:18:16 UTC