RE: [apis] Media API TF report - gap analysis strawman added

Tracker: Action-179

Giuseppe and all,

Thank you for taking the action and drafted the TF report. I made some edits and added Gap Analysis and Next Steps section as a strawman.

See attachment.

Please incorporate it and we can discuss it on Wednesday.

With regard to the table in Google doc, I agree that it may be more appropriate to save it in other format and upload it, or just create it in another wiki page.

Thank you

From: Giuseppe Pascale []
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 9:04 AM
Cc: public-web-and-tv
Subject: [apis] Media API TF report

tracker: ACTION-178

Bin, all,
I had an action point to draft the TF report. See attached. As agreed during last call, I'm only pointing to the wiki, so the document is quite slim. Let me know if you think it should contain more content.

The "gaps" section is of course still empty as there was an action on you (Bin) to provide a straw-man for it. Once you have it I can incorporate it.

I have one question about the cross-reference table that we have produced. As this is a google doc, I was wondering if it would be more appropriate to save it in some format and upload it to the wiki (or someone else) and link it that way. Or do people think is ok to keep a link to a google doc?


Received on Monday, 17 February 2014 03:30:16 UTC