Update from TV Control API CG

Hello all,

Being part of our effort of keeping constant and smooth communication, I am pleased to give Web and TV IG an update about work that's happening in the TV Control API Community Group [1].

As you may know, this group was set up following the gap analysis done by the Web and TV Interest Group. The progress so far has been to collect use cases submitted by members which were compiled into technical requirements [2].

The next stage is to create an API based on these requirements. This will be done in the following GitHub repository:


Please feel free to watch and contribute to the repository as it develops. There are also links to the mailing list and conference call details on the group's wiki page:


We warmly welcome your expertise and participation in our discussions!

Thank you


[1] http://www.w3.org/community/tvapi/

[2] http://www.w3.org/community/tvapi/wiki/Main_Page/Technical_Requirement

Received on Friday, 15 August 2014 00:49:41 UTC