Re: [apis] propose two use cases regarding tunner control and channel bounded applications

The point I'm raising now may already have been discussed (and resolved) previously in the Term Cap TF. I think when both STB (possibly multiple of these) are connected to a TV, and the web app is trying to control them, there needs to be a way for the web app to know how the devices are connected, or at least how a TV may switch from displaying one STB output to another, as well as to its (TV's) own tuner output. This is almost the same problem faced by home theatre installers.

Thank you for your very useful comments. I seems to have overlooked those situation.

I think we can solve that problem easily with a simple rule and some modifications on current texts.

As a simple rule,
In case that web application is running on top of set top box with tuner, it just manipulates tuner of set top box rather than controlling tuner of TV or other STBs.
Of course, if it is running on TV platform, it will control the tuner of TV.

Simply, web application just manipulates the tuner of device that it is running on, if available.
Even though there are multiple STB are connected to a display, it looks does not matter if we stick to this rule.

Hence, I think that current texts are needed to be modified as follows;(It was a defect. Thank you :D)
"Application control the TV tuner to display the selected program in the web browser or web-based TV platform"
"Application controls the tuner of set-top box to display the selected program in the web browser or web-based TV platform"

Seems to me these are, at the minimum, the assumptions needed to define the use case.

It will be more clear to describe assumptions for that use case as you pointed out. How about to add following into prerequisite.

"Set-top box has a TV tuner, and web application is running on the set-top box. In other words, web application can control the tuner of set-top box."

Thank you.


Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2013 15:12:53 UTC