[IMPORTANT] Use of Bugzilla to report issues

Hi all,
we have decided to extend to the whole IG the use of bugzilla.

It will be used to collect input for work that could be relevant for the  
IG and should be discussed in one of the TFs.

If what you are reporting is a new use case that you want to see discussed  
in a TF, use the template on the wiki

and report a new bug for the Web and TV IG

Discussions on each issue should happen on the bug itself, to avoid that  
part of the discussion is there and part is on the list.

Collecting all the relevant comments in one place will also help when  
moving the "bug" to another WG.

Finally, since one of the goals of the IG is also to engage with external  
we welcome any input also from other groups.So if you are member of other  
roganizations feel free to share this message.

Note that to report bugs you DO NOT need to be a W3C member.

/g on behalf of the Web&TV co-chairs

Giuseppe Pascale
TV & Connected Devices
Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2012 16:05:46 UTC