Re: Testing of Web technology


I'm glad to hear that the OIPF will be working with the W3C on testing! This is terrific.

I have a few questions, since I'm not familiar with the OIPF test effort:

- Can you describe the current coverage or number of OIPF tests related to W3C HTML5 and HTML5-referenced specs?

- What are the OIPF plans for further coverage?

- Will the OIPF be willing to contribute their tests relevant to W3C specs and work jointly with the W3C on test completion?


On Oct 20, 2011, at 2:42 AM, Francois Daoust wrote:

> Hello Paul,
> Thanks for the message. Great to hear about that! Let's see how we can make this collaboration happen!
> I would like to extend an invitation for you to join the Web Testing IG and to spread the word across OIPF members. As opposed to the Web and TV Interest Group, participation in the Web Testing Interest Group is open both to W3C Member organizations and to the public at large, to ensure that the activity can be as global and inclusive as possible. What this means in practice is that anyone interested can (and should!) join the group and contribute:
> - needs and requirements, in your case things you need to have to re-use test suites for OIPF certification purpose and/or to contribute your test cases into the test suites of the Web technologies you reference.
> - resources to ensure the group progresses towards its objectives, typically:
> * developer time to work on various parts of the testing framework (e.g. a spec annotation tool to highlight test coverage of a specification, tool to extract and package existing test cases into a test suite that may be used as a starting point for certification purpose, conversion tools to manage different test cases formats, etc.). Check the currently identified list of requirements for the testing framework at:
> * editors to write guidelines to ease test suites development in working groups
> * reviewers to comment on the group's deliverables, highlight things that are missing or not heading in the right direction, and improve the quality of the material produced.
> The charter of the Web Testing Interest Group sets the scope of the group. It is available at:
> In particular, the mission of the group is not to develop the test suites themselves, but to ensure this can be done easily and in a consistent way across groups, and to serve as point of coordination for all things related to test, in particular coordination with external organizations such as OIPF.
> Commitments needed to join an interest group are lightweight. An Interest Group does not produce deliverables that are covered by the W3C Patent Policy and therefore have no licensing obligations related to the deliverables that will be produced by the group. Participants in the group are still required to fulfill the disclosure requirements of the W3C Patent Policy, e.g. when and if they decide to review a specification developed by another working group.
> The W3C is very much email-based. I encourage you to kick-off discussion on, the public mailing-list of the Web Testing IG, archived at:
> (anyone can subscribe to the list through the "Subscribe to this list" link on the archives page. Note subscribing to the list does not mean you make any kind of commitment)
> The Web Testing IG will hold a first meeting between representatives of browser vendors in Mountain View, California on 28 October 2011:
> We will also organize an interoperability event on 6-7 December 2011 in Sophia-Antipolis, France, to develop test cases for Web technologies relevant for the development of Mobile Web Applications. Given the overlap between "mobile" and "TV", it sounds like something that could be of interest to OIPF members:
> Thanks,
> Francois.
> On 10/17/2011 08:06 PM, Paul Higgs wrote:
>> Hello Giuseppe
>> I am sure that most participants of this group are aware that the Open IPTV Forum (OIPF) specification draw on web technologies. In addition to these solution specifications, the OIPF has developed test plans which include test cases for the browser based presentation environment.
>> The OIPF would be more than happy to work with W3C in their testing activities and as chair of the Interoperability and Testing working group, I am happy to be a point of contact for any interactions.
>> Paul Higgs
>> Chair, OIPF IOT Working Group
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On Behalf Of Giuseppe Pascale
>> Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 10:23 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Testing of Web technology
>> Hi all,
>> as mentioned during our IG F2F, W3C was planning to lunch a new activity on web technology testing.
>> This has been officially launched last week. More info for those of you interested can be found here:
>> In particular, the Testing IG will be responsible to liaise with organizations outside the W3C who conduct testing and certification efforts for Web technologies.
>> More information on the testing IG activities can be found here.
>> If you are part of an industry group that is considering testing and certification of web technologies you should suggest such group to get in contact with the testing IG.
>> Regards,
>> /g
>> --
>> Giuseppe Pascale
>> TV&  Connected Devices
>> Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 27 October 2011 15:47:34 UTC