Re: Standardize Buttons For TV-Web Remotes?

Hi, Glenn-

Glenn Adams wrote (on 5/17/11 4:44 PM):
> Thanks Doug. Couple of comments:
>     * under Character Key Values appears VK_PROGRAM_{UP,DOWN} which
>       don't have character values;

Oops.  They were meant to go under Duplicates.

>     * under Duplicate Key Values, what were the criteria for inclusion
>       here? was it: value is duplicate if it is already present in DOM-3
>       Events or if it is a duplicate in these (TV) tables?

Either.  I only included unique key values, not ones that were already 
there, nor ones that were equivalents to others on your list.

VK_PROGRAM_{UP,DOWN} are duplicates of VK_CHANNEL_{UP,DOWN}, so I didn't 
include them.  I could add 'ProgramUp' and 'ProgramDown' rather than 
'ChannelUp' and 'ChannelDown', should you prefer... I don't know which 
is the preferred usage.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, WebApps, and Web Events WGs

Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 23:02:29 UTC