[HOME_NETWORK_TF] Small guide on how to raise issues

Hi all,
this email is a short reminder of how you can raise issues that will be  
discussed during telcos and over email.

Basically the Agenda of each call from now on will be to go over the  
raised and open issues and actions (plus AOB of course).
These are listed on tracker under the HOME_NETWORK_TF product

* To create an issue, use the web interface [1] and set the product to  
HOME_NETWORK_TF. This will generate an email. Discuss on that issue SHOULD  
continue as reply to that email. More detailed instruction on the wiki

* There are different states for the issues:
RAISED: newly opened
OPEN: discussed at least once over phone
PENDING REVIEW: not used for now
CLOSED: the issue is closed (and action will be taken according to the  
kind of issue)
POSTPONED: not used for now.

* During the call action to resolve issues will be assigned as needed.  
They are also listed on tracker under the HOME_NETWORK_TF product

These are more a reminder for things you have to do (if you have an action  
on you).

If you have problems with tools or questions don't hesitate to ask on this  


[1] http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/track/issues/new

Giuseppe Pascale
TV & Connected Devices
Opera Software - Sweden

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2011 16:10:40 UTC