Interactive Television

W3C Web & Television Interest Group,
Greetings.  The third W3C web and television workshop upcoming looks interesting.  I wanted to indicate a link to a forum discussion where some new capabilities for audience feedback, ergonomics, and even format-related topics were indicated.  Each of the indicated ideas indicated is readily implementable and I would be interested in hearing back from you on how each of those three topics could fit into the upcoming conference.  I have more ideas to contribute to the conversation with and I would be interested in hearing back from you how each of those three topics might fit into one or more position papers or statements of interest.
Adam Sobieski
P.S: Content from is attached:
"With the natural user interfaces and television combining, interactivity is arriving for previously broadcast content.  Amidst a large set of new and exciting possibilities is that people will be able to use hand gestures to select video intervals or segments of interest and to then create either text or video commenting to or providing feedback to those segments of video, including news and punditry.  Users can share such reactions to the web, their blogs, social networking and elsewhere.
At E3 2011, Microsoft announced that live television would be coming to the XBox 360 this autumn.  Many are optimistic that these new technological developments can empower the people; there is opportunity for innovation in terms of entirely new ergonomics concepts and features.
"In addition that new feature, an ergonomics idea is that DVD or Blu-ray style menus can be at the start of episodes, movies or otherwise video content.  Where there were once theme songs or intros, there can now be stylized interactive menus.  Such menus can indicate special features, for example recaps of previous episode(s), and then, after the video content, the same or other menus can appear, perhaps making use of the internet to provide enhanced features such as navigation options to online user experiences.
"Content that previously included video diagrams can include interactive 3D applets. Science and educational shows, for example, have made use of video diagrams, often with computer graphics. Applets making use of 3D hardware on consoles and computers can be integrated and launched seamlessly in sequences of content, including overlapping intro and outro audio clips. Applets can include default sequences of animation, camera motion and audio, to resemble a video diagram while, at any point in time during the applets, the audience members can utilize NUI for robust interaction and enhanced user experiences. Interactive television can greatly enhance scientific and educational content." 		 	   		  

Received on Thursday, 28 July 2011 14:34:02 UTC