Re: HTML5 Last Call May 2011 & DASH/Adaptive Streaming

> Another approach would be to adopt the idea that there could be  
> selectable adaptivity algorithms (someone likened this to different TCP  
> Congestion Control algorithms) and a way to pass them algorithm-specific  
> tuning parameters. This would also enable some level of experimentation  
> and customization.

I'm wondering if an approach as used by the OIPF video object (discussed  
during the workshop) for buffering would be applicable also in this case  
as a first "easy" step.
Basically you could let the application select which strategy to use (e.g.  
low latency, sustained playback) through an API call and control just few  
generic parameters (e.g. min/max bandwidth).

This will allow also a bit of differentiation/competition between  
different media players still leaving the application a bit of control of  
what's going on.


Giuseppe Pascale
TV & Connected Devices
Opera Software - Sweden

Received on Thursday, 17 February 2011 09:37:31 UTC