Re: [MEDIA_PIPELINE_TF] HTML Content Protection errors

Hi folks, 
Ted asked me to join this discussion and participate in the MPTF. I'm a
lead engineer on our mobile & connected devices team; we're actively
working on projects involving html5 video security, DRM, and devices.

Mark & Graham, 
You both have very valid points. The proposal around separating the
content protection from the authN and authZ application flows is inline
with our team's service strategy.  This would actually help address
concerns about excess last call changes.  Focusing on the content
decryption component errors without business logic interleaved will reduce
the changes required.

The key points we wanted to address with this first pass at suggested
error codes was to provide the application & customer with a path to
remediation.  There need to be errors the application can attempt to
handle internally and details specific enough to bubble out for customer
support.  Look forward to more discussion.

Jason Lewis
Sr. Software Engineer, Mobile and Connected Devices
Disney  Technology   Solutions and Services | jasonlewismedia

Received on Thursday, 1 December 2011 20:46:37 UTC