Re: IG charter: status and schedule

On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 18:53:23 +0200, Charles McCathieNevile  
<> wrote:

> On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 18:46:09 +0200, Masahito Kawamori  
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Chaals
>> Thank you for your reply and explanation. I see your points. Maybe we
>> can word the charter to clearly express your points.
> Yes, I'll look at what Funahashi-san did and see how we can make it  
> clearer.
>> By the way, I noticed something about the text of the draft charter.
>> In the "External Groups" clause, ITU-T is put under "TV Industry". ITU
>> (International Telecommunication Union) is a UN agency for
>> Telecommunication; it is not in TV Industry.
>> It should be put under "Telecommunication".
> Yep. Alternatively there is the way Funahashi-san wrote it, just listing  
> some relevant organisations without classifying them. Do you (or does  
> anyone else) have a preference for one style or the other?

If we really need to list some companies/organization let's go for a  
simple list of names with no categories.
We could also follow the opposite approach, just mention some categories  
without any specific name.

Afterall is not the aim of the charter to identify the specific  
organization to be contacted
(while it could make sense to have an indication of which type of  
organization to consider).

my 2 cents


>> I also notice that there are not many broadcast-related organizations
>> listed here. Since there have already been some (regional)
>> organizations that already have some web-related standards for
>> broadcasting, I think it would be better to include them.
>> Organizations relevant to broadcasting are:
>> ARIB (with its BML)
>> ATSC (with its ACAP-X)
>> DVB (with its DVB-HTML)
>> We also need to include
>> CEA
> cheers
> Chaals

Giuseppe Pascale
Linux Devices SDK
Opera Software - Sweden

Received on Friday, 1 October 2010 10:26:45 UTC