Re: SPECTACLE Proposal with Implementation

Thanks Brendan,

I'll put these on the agenda.


On 2/11/21 3:16 PM, Brendan Riordan-Butterworth wrote:
> Wendy and group,
>   Given that next week is trending towards an examination of in-browser profile techniques, I'd like to put time on the agenda for SPECTACLE [] (2020-Nov-30) and Crumbs [] (2021-Jan-25).  
>   Crumbs does present as a showcase of user-facing privacy features.  It's important to note that these are features that generally already exist, collected in one place, to put the user into an environment that we predict to be representative of the norm in the near future.  
>   More importantly for discussion in this group is that Crumbs is an implementation of client-side creation of an ad targeting profile.  Crumbs shares profile membership by enriching bid and ad requests with a subset of current memberships, so that there's no immediate dependency on user or cohort identifiers, but we do see value in aligning with a cohort infrastructure that comes from building out FLoC / FLEDGE.  
>   While we have made design decisions that we imagine will safeguard user privacy, we hope to validate and improve these designs with additional insight and expertise from interested parties in the Web Advertising Business Group.  
>   In our SPECTACLE [] proposal we identified certain risk areas, like fraud and data quality, that will need to be addressed by finding a path towards scalable trust.  This is a common problem for all private advertising systems, and we are excited that the Web Advertising Business Group has started addressing it in some of the breakouts.    
>   Looking forward to the next session!
> /brendan.
> Brendan Riordan-Butterworth
> Strategic Product Consultant
> eyeo GmbH

Wendy Seltzer -- +1.617.715.4883 (office)
Strategy Lead and Counsel, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)        +1.617.863.0613 (mobile)

Received on Sunday, 14 February 2021 23:00:31 UTC