[web-adv] minutes and next meeting agenda, 18 August

Hi Web Advertising BG,

Draft minutes from 11 August:
We discussed Frequency Capping and Multi-Channel Attribution, and TPAC /
virtual F2F.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, 18 August, 11am Eastern. Call details linked
below. I've put together an intro to our work-mode,
and would like to share that, and then suggest we talk more about agenda
planning for a virtual F2F,
Dashboard highlights: add or update issues to suggest bringing them to
the agenda.

PTEROSAUR will be raised for a future agenda.

Please share agenda requests with agenda+

Draft agenda:
* Agenda-curation, introductions
* Workmode document
* Agenda planning for TPAC vF2F and breakouts
* Dashboard highlights https://w3c.github.io/web-advertising/dashboard/

Call-in info at:
(let me know if you need me to send it to you directly).

irc for real-time queueing and minutes is http://irc.w3.org #web-adv
Github repo: https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising


Wendy Seltzer -- wseltzer@w3.org
Strategy Lead and Counsel, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
https://wendy.seltzer.org/        +1.617.863.0613 (mobile)

Received on Monday, 17 August 2020 19:20:12 UTC