[Fwd: Upcoming W3C Workshop on Privacy and Linked Data: Data Privacy Controls and Vocabularies, 17-18 April]

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Liam Quin, W3C, http://www.w3.org/People/Quin/
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Forwarded message 1

  • From: Xueyuan <xueyuan@w3.org>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 09:57:20 +0800
  • Subject: Upcoming W3C Workshop on Privacy and Linked Data: Data Privacy Controls and Vocabularies, 17-18 April
  • To: public-new-work@w3.org
  • Message-ID: <1402de09-bfb4-c7c1-9749-b1c9ebba616a@w3.org>
  • Archived-At: <https://www.w3.org/mid/1402de09-bfb4-c7c1-9749-b1c9ebba616a@w3.org>

W3C is pleased to call for participation in a workshop:

     Data Privacy Controls and Vocabularies
     A W3C Workshop on Privacy and Linked Data
     April 17-18 2018, Vienna, Austria

Thanks to WU Vienna for hosting the workshop.

The primary goal of the workshop is to explore interoperability in 
privacy and compliance expressions using Linked Data. But based on 
transportable linked data, many privacy concepts can be created.

Expected topics of discussion include:
     * Privacy and Transparency in Linked Data
     * Identity management vocabularies
     * Categories of sensitive and personal data
     * Modeling/Interlinking aspects of privacy and provenance
     * Modeling consent and making it transportable
     * Vocabularies to model privacy policies, regulations, and involved 
(business) processes
     * Modeling permissions, obligations, and their scope in dealing 
with personal data
     * Reasoning about formally declared privacy policies, in order to 
detect policy violations, breach and enforce policies
     * Exploring links and synergies using Linked Data vocabularies in 
the context of related efforts such as W3C's Social Web WG, Verifiable 
Claims WG, ODRL/POE WG, Credentials CG, and PROV WG or other (non-W3C) 
efforts (e.g. OASIS XDI, OASIS COEL, Kantarainitiative’s CISWG)
     * Visualizations of data and policy information to help data self 

For more information on the workshop, please see the workshop details 
and submission instructions:

If you have any questions, please contact organizer Rigo Wenning 

W3C Members interested in sponsoring this workshop should contact 
Bernard Gidon <bgidon@w3.org>.

This announcement follows section 8 of the W3C Process Document:

We look forward to seeing you there.

Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications

Received on Friday, 26 January 2018 02:31:54 UTC