Re: Focusing on "suggested changes to SC normative language"

Very true…When I was analyzing I did combine the goals of the two different spreadsheet analysis into this one spreadsheet. I’ve gone through the list and updated where it was clear to me that changes were being proposed to a note vs. to normative language. I’ve modified the table similar to what you asked and added an answer of “?? Discussion needed” where there wasn’t a clear answer but someone felt a change might be necessary but wanted a discussion on it. I also like the idea of having a value of “TF consensus” so we can keep track of where we’ve reached consensus as a group.

Let me know if these changes work for you and let me know if further tweaks are needed.

Best regards,

Mary Jo Mueller
IBM Accessibility Standards Program Manager

From: Mitchell Evan <>
Date: Friday, March 21, 2025 at 12:11 PM
To: Mary Jo Mueller <>, Christopher Loiselle <>, Charles Adams <>, <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Focusing on "suggested changes to SC normative language"
Hi Mary Jo, After our “SC Analysis” call today, I realized you and I were working toward slightly different goals in the Analysis for SC language changes spreadsheet. Could you and the chairs please clarify? Despite the spreadsheet’s name “SC

Hi Mary Jo,

After our “SC Analysis” call today, I realized you and I were working toward slightly different goals in the Analysis for SC language changes< > spreadsheet. Could you and the chairs please clarify?

Despite the spreadsheet’s name “SC language changes”, I see that some of our comments are not suggestions for changes to normative language. Example: “For the note WCAG2ICT added, need to add a link to definition…” would not involve the normative SC language.

I propose the following clarifications.

  *   Add a column “Suggest change to SC normative language?” with values like Proposed Change, Proposed No Change, a And TF Consensus.
  *   If a comment contains a mixture of normative and non-normative language proposals, identify which is which.

Some non-normative language improvements may also be important in WCAG2ICT, but they should be best-effort on the way to completing this point of our Work Statement< >:

> as needed, suggested changes to success criteria normative language to more clearly align with non-web software and document technologies


Mitchell Evan (he/him)
Principal Accessibility Engineer
+49 (1525) 89 50 540
+1 (510) 375 6104

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Received on Friday, 21 March 2025 20:41:29 UTC