RE: [WCAG2ICT] List of statistics and minutes for 19 September

Congratulations Mary Jo on your excellent leadership on this complex project!


Shadi Abou-Zahra
Amazon Devices and Services
Principal Accessibility Standards and Policy Manager

From: Mary Jo Mueller <>
Sent: Thursday, 19 September, 2024 10:36 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [WCAG2ICT] List of statistics and minutes for 19 September

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Hi all,

See the link for today's 19 September meeting minutes:

Thank you all for your time and dedication to updating the WCAG2ICT Group Note to include WCAG 2.2 Level AA criteria. We'll be taking a 1-month sabbatical from the task force meetings and resume on 7 November to develop an explainer and start work on WCAG Level AAA criteria.

During today's meeting I shared a few statistics regarding our work. I've collected several more measurable statistics that you might find interesting as well. This helps us to quantify just how much work we've accomplished as a team in the last two years!

General statistics:

  *   ~ 2 years of committed effort (29 Sept. 2022 - 19 Sept. 2024)
  *   21 TF participants - including 1 WAI staff member
  *   115 TF meetings (includes periodic extra Friday meetings)
  *   ~ 90 leadership coordination meetings
  *   ~ 40 editor's coordination meetings
  *   3 publications (FPWD, 2nd draft, and upcoming Final Group Note)

Project establishment:

  *   Conversion of the document to markdown
  *   Task Force work statement (drafted, reviewed, and approved by TF and AG WG)
  *   Content development templates developed (Issue template, word version, wiki version)
  *   Established ways we could work most efficiently - agilely adjusting over time
  *   GitHub training provided
  *   Project schedule/goals established
  *   GitHub project and task issues created
  *   WIKI establishment to communicate all things WCAG2ICT

Document changes:

  *   18 new success criteria, and 1 changed SC
  *   24 new definitions, 4 updated definitions
  *   More than 25 other sections were updated
  *   Numerous content proposals!

Process statistics:

  *   24 Google docs, 2 spreadsheets
  *   89 surveys
  *   454 survey questions
  *   222 consensus decisions

GitHub statistics:

  *   1,268 commits
  *   298 pull requests
  *   8 GitHub discussions
  *   14 wiki pages
  *   Numerous issue and discussion thread comments!

End results:

  *   1 finalized Group Note (coming in early October...)
  *   1 CSUN submission
  *   WCAG2ICT Group Note will:

     *   inform changes to the EN 301 549 and other future standards updates
     *   help product teams better understand how WCAG can be applied to non-web documents and software

Whew! That's quite a list!

Best regards,

Mary Jo Mueller
IBM Accessibility Standards Program Manager

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Sitz in Graz
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Received on Friday, 20 September 2024 05:27:25 UTC