Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: [WCAG2ICT] Update your calendar! Two hour meeting this week, 16 May 9-11 AM Eastern

I will only be able to attend the second hour.


From: Fernanda Bonnin <>
Date: Monday, May 13, 2024 at 12:22 PM
To: Bryan Trogdon <>, Mary Jo Mueller <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: [WCAG2ICT] Update your calendar! Two hour meeting this week, 16 May 9-11 AM Eastern
*External Message* - Use caution before opening links or attachments


From: Bryan Trogdon <>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 9:20 AM
To: Mary Jo Mueller <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [WCAG2ICT] Update your calendar! Two hour meeting this week, 16 May 9-11 AM Eastern

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I will not be able to attend the meeting on Thursday, 16 May.


On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 11:03 AM Mary Jo Mueller <<>> wrote:
Hi all,

The WCAG2ICT call this week on Thursday 16 May is once again plan to be a 2-hour meeting from 9-11 AM Eastern. We will be workin to finalize the rest of the content for the editor’s draft. Please adjust your calendar and attend for the entire meeting if at all possible so that we have a quorum.

We will also have an extra Friday meeting at 9-10 AM using the same zoom link as our regular calls.

Surveys (2 of them) will be made available later today.

Best regards,

Mary Jo Mueller
IBM Accessibility Standards Program Manager

Received on Monday, 13 May 2024 17:20:38 UTC