[WCAG2ICT] ACTION NEEDED: To reduce confusion, improved instructions on prep for tomorrow's meeting

I received feedback from some TF participants that my instructions were not clear as to what to look back on, what survey to use, etc. Hopefully, this clears things up:

Survey we?re working in is: 3rd round of reviewing proposed updates<https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/WCAG2ICT-3rdroundupdates/>
NOTE: I have not changed the questions or content in the survey from the original proposals when I opened it on 6 June.

Instead, what I did was take the survey results<https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/WCAG2ICT-3rdroundupdates/results> as of 11 June and created new proposals to incorporate survey comments and new proposals received by that point. I put them into the two Google docs for the two questions we are still trying to settle (1 and 4). See specific links to proposals below.  I also added my own comments to the survey to answer others? questions posed in the comments.

Consider which option(s) you are most comfortable with, in order of preference and document that in your survey answer. If you wish to propose edits, it might be best work in the Google doc at this point to avoid further confusion.

Links to the relevant proposals are listed below with links.

For Question 1: 2.1.1 Keyboard guidance for SC Problematic for Closed section (Question 1 survey results<https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/WCAG2ICT-3rdroundupdates/results#xq1>)

  *   Options 1 and 3 in the survey ? No respondents chose these, so I consider them out of the mix.
  *   Option 2 in the survey ? 6 respondents chose this option (3 of those want edits). Same text is in the Google doc, Q1- Option 2<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rwmzx4ZSyjbKUu78SvDX4YEfF13kyNZOv9lRnA3-9Os/edit#heading=h.7xkf7evsexsx>
  *   Options 4-7 appear only in the Google doc (not in the survey), and are based on survey comments
     *   Q1- Option 4<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rwmzx4ZSyjbKUu78SvDX4YEfF13kyNZOv9lRnA3-9Os/edit#heading=h.lkwf2kxzo8jl>: Gregg?s alternate proposal from his survey comments
     *   Q1 - Option 5<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rwmzx4ZSyjbKUu78SvDX4YEfF13kyNZOv9lRnA3-9Os/edit#heading=h.tpaymecorib3>: Option 2 with survey suggested edits
     *   Q1 ? Option 6<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rwmzx4ZSyjbKUu78SvDX4YEfF13kyNZOv9lRnA3-9Os/edit#heading=h.s65ndwywtbrh>: (Essence of Option 4) State the problem only
     *   Q1 ? Option 7<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rwmzx4ZSyjbKUu78SvDX4YEfF13kyNZOv9lRnA3-9Os/edit#heading=h.z4w4ib4geeem>: States problem and also mentions keypad as partial option (New since I looked at the comments)

For Question 4: Review definition of key term ?platform software? (Question 4 survey results<https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/WCAG2ICT-3rdroundupdates/results#xq4>)

  *   Q4 - Option 1<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MAxlHHIj1a8nN3cBvdmWiV4p2EpFeaQGrzdA_QYP8Lk/edit#heading=h.9jb2zxpwnq33>: EN 301 549?s definition, as-is.

NOTE: This was not numbered in the survey because it was the only option offered, but I numbered it in the Google doc as Option 1.

  *   Options 2-5 appear only in the Google doc (not in the survey), and are based on survey comments
     *   Q4 ? Option 2<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MAxlHHIj1a8nN3cBvdmWiV4p2EpFeaQGrzdA_QYP8Lk/edit#heading=h.dv04orslg458>: 508?s definition, as-is
     *   Q4 - Option 3<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MAxlHHIj1a8nN3cBvdmWiV4p2EpFeaQGrzdA_QYP8Lk/edit#heading=h.1sk455jhhyga>: Revised 508 definition (text is unchanged, split off notes & examples)
     *   Q4 - Option 4<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MAxlHHIj1a8nN3cBvdmWiV4p2EpFeaQGrzdA_QYP8Lk/edit#heading=h.nu00k43ioahn>: Combination of Options 1 and 2 (EN and 508)
     *   Q4 - Option 5<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MAxlHHIj1a8nN3cBvdmWiV4p2EpFeaQGrzdA_QYP8Lk/edit#heading=h.e9dt4rk408i5>: Edited Option 4 to reduce redundancy (Combination of EN and 508)

Best regards,

Mary Jo Mueller
IBM Accessibility Standards Program Manager

Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2024 15:37:33 UTC