Re: [WCAG2ICT] Agenda for the 25 January meeting

Regrets, have teaching activities.

El mié, 24 ene 2024 a las 18:22, Mary Jo Mueller (<>)

> Hello,
> The WCAG2ICT Task Force will be meeting on Thursday, 25 January at 10:00
> AM Eastern (Length: up to 1 hour).
> *Meeting Preparation*
>    - Contribute to discussion on 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value bullet
>    <> for SC problematic
>    for closed functionality section.
>    - Read the survey results for the Closed functionality intro section
>    <> and
>    the latest proposal
>    <> on
>    the section that incorporates comments from questions 5 and 6 of the
>    survey. Be prepared to choose a proposal option you are most comfortable
>    with and let's reach consensus. Previous survey results were quite split.
>    The latest edits from the survey have been incorporated into PR 307
>    <>.
>    - Read the survey results for the key term "Closed functionality"
>    <> and
>    the latest proposal
>    <>
>     from PR 306 <>. Be prepared
>    to discuss/reach consensus.
> *Preparation for the next meeting on 31 Jan.*:
>    - Due 30 Jan.: Survey on update to 2.4.8 Target Size (Minimum) and new
>    draft for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication
>    <>
>    - Due 30 Jan.: Survey on public comment responses - group 1
>    <>
> *Meeting Goals*
> Agree upon some document updates for closed functionality and approve
> public comment responses. Also hope to find a more efficient method to
> work. We’ve got a couple of different ways going: Google doc method and
> in-issue method.
> *Agenda*
>    - Announcements
>    - Discussion on 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value bullet
>    <> for SC problematic
>    for closed functionality section.
>    - Latest proposal for Comments on Closed Functionality section
>    <> based
>    on survey results on Closed intro
>    <>
>    - Latest proposal for key term "closed functionality"
>    <> based
>    on survey results - review of "closed functionality"
>    <>
> Minutes from our last teleconference are available at:
> If you would normally attend the meeting but are unable to, please reply
> with regrets.
> Zoom teleconference information is available at this non-public page:
> IRC: port: 6665 channel #wcag2ict
> Scribe list & instructions:
> Best regards,
> Mary Jo Mueller
> IBM Accessibility Standards Program Manager

Loïc Martínez-Normand
DLSIIS. Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo
28660 Boadilla del Monte
tfno: +34 91 336 74 11

Received on Thursday, 25 January 2024 07:25:04 UTC