Re: WCAG2ICT Agenda for Friday 21st June Meeting

Regrets. I have children end-of-school activities.

I'll do my best to reply to the surveys before the meeting time.

Best regards,

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Michael Pluke <> wrote:

> *** MEETING TIME*****
> The WCAG2ICT Task Force will meet Friday, June 21st, at our regularly
> scheduled time for up to 90 minutes:
> 10a.m. US EDT for 90 Minutes
> 7:00 AM PDT; 10:00 AM EDT; 14:00 UTC/Z; 3:00 PM BST; 16:00 CET
> Please confirm meeting time in your time zone using the *Fixed Time Clock<>
> * [1].*
> *+1.617.761.6200*       (in U.S.)
> Conference Code: 2428# (2ICT#)
> SIP: *<>
> * CODE: 2428# (2ICT#)
> Direct SIP: *<>
> *
> (Instructions below for SIP and VoIP in REFERENCES below) ****
> *** AGENDA*  ****
> agenda+ Discuss the *Some further small changes to agree<>
> ** * survey[2]
> agenda+ Discuss the *Agreeing our "Final draft before requesting
> publication as a Working Group Note"<>
> * survey [3]
> agenda+ Review the To do before 3rd/final public draft<>task list [4]
> adjourn*
> ** IRC INFO*
>     IRC server: **, port: 6665, channel: #wcag2ict.
>     Zakim phone commands: 61# to mute; 60# to unMute; 41# to raise your
> hand (enter speaking queue); 40# to lower your hand (exit speaking queue).
> The system acknowledges commands with a three-tone confirmation.
>      IRC Commands: "zakim, mute me" to mute; "zakim, unmute me" to unMute;
> "q+" to enter speaking queue; "q-" to exit speaking queue ****
> *
> ** REFERENCES* ****
>   [1] *
> *****
>    [2] ******
>    [3] ** ****
>    [4] *
> *****
>    Previous meeting minutes: *
>    SIP Instructions: ******
>     Additional VoIP tips: *
>     IRC setup, agenda robots, speaker queuing, and posting the log to the
> web: **
>     W3C use of IRC: **
>     Web gateway to IRC in case your network administrators forbid IRC: *
>     RRSAgent that captures and posts log with action items: *
>     IRC interface to phone bridge manager that maintains speaker and
> agenda queues: **
> Mike and Andi
> WCAG2ICT TF Co-Facilitators****

Loïc Martínez-Normand
DLSIIS. Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo
28660 Boadilla del Monte
tfno: +34 91 336 74 11

Received on Friday, 21 June 2013 10:21:58 UTC