Outcome (DECISIONS) from WCAG meeting today

I have divided this into two groups
the first group are things that the WCAG WG accepted without change.  
There is no action needed on these

the second group are things that WG made slight change to -- and WCAG2ICT  can address quickly

the third group is one item that the group will have to make significant change on.   A proposal follows in another email

GROUP 1:  all had  RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed  or  NO WCAG2ICT ACTION REQUIRED
WCAG2ICT Success Criterion 2.4.2 (Page Titled)
WCAG2ICT Success Criterion 2.4.2 (Page Titled)
WCAG2ICT note for "contrast ratio"
WCAG2ICT note for "label"
WCAG2ICT note for "relative luminance"
WCAG2ICT note for "supplemental content"
TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "ambiguous to users in general"
RESOLUTION: Accepted with provision that "non-embedded content" be repaired as discussed above. [actually  now "discussed below" since this is in group #3 in this list]
 [We can count this essentially as accepted because the change requested here would apply to ALL places we use "non-embedded content" ] 

TOPIC: Changes to SC 3.2.3 Sufficient Techniques
RESOLUTION:  PDFs already moved in latest editors draft to advisory.  G61 is sufficient but does go further than required as many techniques do.
NOTE: Since G61is the only sufficient technique -- the Working Group would entertain a more narrow one if someone write one.
{no action required here for our WCAG2ICT document} 

GROUP 2:  all were Accepted with small edit - or permission for WCAG2ICT to make edit or not. 

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT Success Criterion 4.1.1 (Parsing)
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed - with format abbreviations (e.g.  ODF, OOXML etc.) spelled out.

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "keyboard interface"
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed and Task force may add the following to sentence to notes if they decide: 
 "Keyboard interfaces are programmatic services provided by many platforms that allow operation in a device independent manner."

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "name"
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed  changing 
	"however it is called in different APIs"  
	 "whatever that function is called in different platform APIs" 
and suggesting that examples be added of the Accessible Name corollaries in each of the known AAPIs at this time along with the AAPI.

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "role"
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed  changing 
	"however it is called in different APIs"  
	"whatever that function is called in different platform APIs" 
and suggesting that examples be added of the Accessible Role corollaries in each of the known AAPIs at this time along with the AAPI.

Group 3:  Somewhat Major action required -- on 10 of our success criteria - and our term "Non-embedded content" in general 

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT definition of Non-embedded content
RESOLUTION:  See if WCAG2ICT TF can use something besides Non-embedded and NWNE that is more generic like non-web content and software - with specific notes on specific success criterion.


Here is chronological list of decisions of WCAG WG

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT Success Criterion 2.4.2 (Page Titled)
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT Success Criterion 2.4.2 (Page Titled)
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT Success Criterion 4.1.1 (Parsing)
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed - with format abbreviations (e.g.  ODF, OOXML etc.) spelled out.

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT definition of Non-embedded content
RESOLUTION:  See if WCAG2ICT tf can use something besides Non-embedded and NWNE that is more generic like non-web content and software - with specific notes on specific success criterion.

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "ambiguous to users in general"
RESOLUTION: Accepted with provision that "non-embedded content" be repaired as discussed above.

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "contrast ratio"
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "keyboard interface"
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed and Task force may add the following to sentence to notes if they decide:  "Keyboard interfaces are programmatic services provided by many platforms that allow operation in a device independent manner."

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "label"
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "name"
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed  changing "however it is called in different APIs"  to  "whatever that function is called in different platform APIs" and suggesting that examples be added of the Accessible Name corollaries in each of the known AAPIs at this time along with the AAPI.

TOPIC:  Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "relative luminance"
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed

TOPIC: Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "role"
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed  changing "however it is called in different APIs"  to  "whatever that function is called in different platform APIs" and suggesting that examples be added of the Accessible Role corollaries in each of the known AAPIs at this time along with the AAPI.

TOPIC:  Approval of WCAG2ICT note for "supplemental content"
RESOLUTION: Accept as proposed

TOPIC: Changes to SC 3.2.3 Sufficient Techniques
RESOLUTION:  PDFs already moved in latest editors draft to advisory.  G61 is sufficient but does go further than required as many techniques do.

NOTE: Since G61is the only sufficient technique -- the Working Group would entertain a more narrow one if someone write one.

Gregg Vanderheiden Ph.D.
Director Trace R&D Center
Professor Industrial & Systems Engineering
and Biomedical Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison
Technical Director - Cloud4all Project - http://Cloud4all.info
Co-Director, Raising the Floor - International - http://Raisingthefloor.org
and the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure Project -  http://GPII.net

Received on Friday, 26 October 2012 03:54:54 UTC