Interaction Context

Or a slight rewording 

How about the following as something to consider - work from

Two words or a LOT of words.   But someone said (Bruce I think) that we substituted many words for a few to get transparency.  This is many more but... 

give it a look
give it a think

comments welcome


blah blah ......replacing the term Web Page by the term  "interaction context"  or by the definition  "the current set of input and output elements available to the user to see, hear, feel or act on, --  where the set is limited to those elements a) intended by an author to be available to the user at the same time, and b) that are present without the user acting other than simply navigatiing among the elements".

Set of Web pages currently defined in WCAG as 

Set of Web Pages
collection of Web pages that share a common purpose and that are created by the same author, group or organization
Note:  Different language versions would be considered different sets of Web pages. 

and it becomes quite logically 

Set of Interaction Contexts
collection of interaction contexts that share a common purpose and that are created by the same author, group or organization
Note:  Different language versions would be considered different sets of interaction contexts.

The one problem I did see was that you can navigate among a set of open windows from many different applications.  
So that is why the "author intent" clause is there above -- since authors have no control over what all windows you have open.  and we need to  keep the user from navigating among contexts and have the grand sum of all open windows constitute the context.

Gregg Vanderheiden Ph.D.
Director Trace R&D Center
Professor Industrial & Systems Engineering
and Biomedical Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Co-Director, Raising the Floor - International
and the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure Project   ---

Received on Monday, 18 June 2012 19:47:16 UTC