Comments on WCAG2ICT Overview

I was reviewing your document.  I manage a kiosk association with 500
companies involved in kiosks.

   - I see 4 occurrences of the term "kiosk" in your docs
   - We'll look at how these might be applied, if applied
   - If you want a true consensus, then you should have included kiosk
   companies in your review.  Other than the usual IBMs, NCRs, ATMs, Grocery
   POS and accessibility people, there are zero kiosk companies in case you
   are interested.

Thanks very much for your support!
*Any thoughts on IAAPA <> in


Kiosk Association manager & Consultant
Craig Allen Keefner
720.324.1837 m
Teams or Zoom for share

Received on Thursday, 17 August 2023 00:06:38 UTC