- From: Olaf Drümmer <o.druemmer@callassoftware.com>
- Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2012 13:16:48 +0200
- To: public-wcag2ict-comments@w3.org
- Cc: Olaf Drümmer <o.druemmer@callassoftware.com>
[This email has been submitted as a comment on the July 27, 2012 draft of "Applying WCAG 2.0 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies"] ISO/IEC JTC 1 Special Working Group on Accessibility (SWG-A), JTC 1 SWG-A, has compiled a document that provides an inventory of Accessibility and Accessibility-related Standards and Specifications (cf. http://www.jtc1access.org/documents/swga_522_Inventory_Standards_Specifications.pdf): > ISO/IEC JTC 1 Special Working Group on Accessibility (SWG-A), JTC 1 SWG-A, Inventory of Accessibility and Accessibility-related Standards and Specifications > > [This inventory expands and evolves: ISO/IEC 29138-2 Information technology — Accessibility considerations for people with disabilities — Part 2: Standards inventory, 2009-06-15] it would be good to see that WCAG2ICT takes it into account and refers to it as a relevant source, and explains what WCAG2ICT would add on top of the standards and specifications listed in this document, and how it relates at least to those standards and specification listed in the document that are relevant to the topic at hand. In a nutshell: Review and take into account the SWG-A document, identify what is added on top of standards listed there, and indicate relation between WCAG2ICT and the (standards listed in the) SGW-A document Olaf -- Olaf Druemmer | Managing Director | callas software GmbH | Schoenhauser Allee 6/7 | 10119 Berlin Tel +49.30.4439031-0 | Fax +49.30.4416402 | o.druemmer@callassoftware.com | www.callassoftware.com Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 59615 | Geschäftsführung: Olaf Drümmer, Ulrich Frotscher
Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2012 11:19:14 UTC