- From: WCAG 2.0 Techniques Submission Form <nobody@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 18:09:15 +0000
- To: public-wcag2-techs@w3.org
Submitter's Name: Devarshi Pant Submitter's Email: devarshipant@gmail.com Technique ID: UNKNOWN Short Name: Placing focus indicator on the breadcrumb trail after activating a link Technique Category: General Techniques Success Criterion Reference: UNKNOWN Applicability: This technique will be useful to users who find resultant information on a new page. Users that rely on keyboard, screenreaders, and screen magnifiers will benefit when the focus specifically lands before the content they are seeking. Description: The objective of this technique is to bring into focus the breadcrumb trail. Users who have difficulties readjusting to the new page will gain from this technique. To a sighted user, a breadcrumb trail will be discernable but for, keyboard only, cognitively impaired, and screenreader users, whenever the focus goes to the address bar, it impairs their ability to locate the information. Example 1 Head: User finds information on a new page (trail gets updated) Example 1 Description: A user is wants to read a biography that opens in a new page. This page has a navigation menu on top, side bar, footer, and main content that has the biography which the user is seeking. The breadcrumb trail updates from "Home > People > Biography" to "Home > People > Biography > Person A", upon activating the link "Person A". The identifier (You are here :) in front of the breadcrumb trail gets focus. Test Procedure: 1. Activate a link on a page. 2. Check if the focus is on the breadcrumb trail of the new page. Expected Result: #2 is true. No guidelines reference was submitted! No UA issues were submitted! No example 2 header was submitted! No example 2 description was submitted! No resource 1 title submitted! No resource 1 URI submitted! No resource 2 title submitted! No resource 2 URI submitted! No related techniques were submitted! No test file 1 was submitted! No test file 1 pass/fail was submitted! No test file 2 was submitted! No test file 2 pass/fail was submitted! No additional notes were submitted! ------------------------------------------------ <technique id="UNKNOWN"> <short-name>Placing focus indicator on the breadcrumb trail after activating a link</short-name> <applies-to> <guideline idref="" /> <success-criterion idref="UNKNOWN" /> </applies-to> <applicability> This technique will be useful to users who find resultant information on a new page. Users that rely on keyboard, screenreaders, and screen magnifiers will benefit when the focus specifically lands before the content they are seeking. </applicability> <ua_issues> </ua_issues> <description> The objective of this technique is to bring into focus the breadcrumb trail. Users who have difficulties readjusting to the new page will gain from this technique. To a sighted user, a breadcrumb trail will be discernable but for, keyboard only, cognitively impaired, and screenreader users, whenever the focus goes to the address bar, it impairs their ability to locate the information. </description> <examples> <ex_head_1> User finds information on a new page (trail gets updated) </ex_head_1> <ex_desc_1> A user is wants to read a biography that opens in a new page. This page has a navigation menu on top, side bar, footer, and main content that has the biography which the user is seeking. The breadcrumb trail updates from "Home > People > Biography" to "Home > People > Biography > Person A", upon activating the link "Person A". The identifier (You are here :) in front of the breadcrumb trail gets focus. </ex_desc_1> <ex_head_2> </ex_head_2> <ex_desc_2> </ex_desc_2> </examples> <resources> <resources_title1> </resources_title1> <resource_uri1> </resource_uri1> <resources_title2> </resources_title2> <resource_uri2> </resource_uri2> </resources> <related_techniques> </related_techniques> <tests> <procedure> 1. Activate a link on a page. 2. Check if the focus is on the breadcrumb trail of the new page. </procedure> <expected_result> #2 is true. </expected_result> <test_file_1> </test_file_1> <pass_fail_1> </pass_fail_1> <test_file_2> </test_file_2> <pass_fail_2> </pass_fail_2> </tests> </technique> Additional Notes:
Received on Wednesday, 15 September 2010 18:09:17 UTC