Re: REVIEW - Reflow Understanding proposed changes (due by March 5)

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From: Michael Gower <>
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 12:23
To: WCAG list <>
Cc: WCAG2 Backlog <>
Subject: REVIEW - Reflow Understanding proposed changes (due by March 5)

The following email outlines the updates proposed by the WCAG 2 Task Force. It provides a two-week window for Working Group members to review non-normative WCAG 2 updates.

This review period only contains changes with the guidance for 1.4.10 Reflow, in the following pull request:

The Understanding document has been wholly rewritten, and several techniques modified. We anticipate going through more than one review period on this change, since it is so substantive. For this review, we are asking for feedback in several broad ways:

  1.  Use the preview link<The%20latest%20updates%20will%20be%20visible%20via%20this%20preview%20link%20of%20the%20understanding%20doc> to review the updated Understanding document.
  2.  If you believe it can be published in its current state, give a thumbs up on the Pull Request description.
  3.  Provide broad comments in the Issue conversation regarding the update. Identify areas you like, or that you feel need work, or considerations you believe are missing. These will be immediately as part of this PR or captured for future updates.
  4.  Provide specific suggestions to improve language. To do so through the github suggestion process:

     *   From the Files changed view, load the diff for the reflow.html document (it will be unrendered by default).
     *   Find the line you wish to suggest a modification for
     *   Activate the + symbol beside it, then press Ctrl/Cmd+g to add a suggestion

How to participate in future task force work

  *   Attend Friday call<>.
  *   Participate asynchronously in GitHub discussions<>.
  *   Self-assign issues on the project board<>.
  *   Subscribe to Listserv:<>.

Completed changes

A table showing all merged changes by date<> is available.

Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2025 22:00:13 UTC