REVIEW - WCAG 2 proposed change (due by Nov 19)

The following email outlines the updates proposed and implemented by the WCAG 2 Task Force. It provides a two-week window for Working Group members to review non-normative WCAG 2 updates, and consists of changes in several categories.

This email is a departure, in that only one change is under review.

Due to technical limitations, almost all non-normative changes to 2.x to date have been restricted to updates to only WCAG 2.2. Ken has undertaken a lot of work to make it possible for all relevant updates to be pushed to the 2.1 branch as well. This is particular critical, as many search engines return 2.1 documents based on searches for “WCAG” and keyword searches involving success criteria titles or wording.

This PR pushes all relevant previously approved changes to the 2.1 documents.

These non-normative changes have undergone several rounds of scrutiny, but given the scope of the changes, we are looking for some WG members to spot check pages in the preview, at

Any understanding document can be compared to the matching file on the live site. (As can be seen in the pull request conversation, the files most substantively changed have links provided to both the existing 2.2 and 2.1 versions, along with the preview.)

How to provide feedback on the following changes
For proposed substantive or editorial changes:

  1.  Give a thumbs up on the pull request description to agree. We are looking for >4 +1 votes (activating the 👍 emoji) for substantive changes
  2.  Or provide feedback in the Conversation to request changes
Based on feedback, those changes will be merged or brought back for another review.

Proposed editorial changes (small improvements to language intended to clarify existing guidance)

  *   Eleventy build: Support generating WCAG 2.1 docs from main branch #4007<>

How to participate in future task force work

  *   Attend Friday call<>
  *   Participate asynchronously in github discussions<>
  *   Self-assign issues on the project board<>
  *   Subscribe to Listserv:<>
Completed changes
A table showing all merged changes by date<>

Received on Wednesday, 6 November 2024 21:42:50 UTC