Re: Some thoughts on TF aims and how to reach them

going to just quickfire my thoughts here...not in any kind of nicely 
worded/worked out form, so apologies, but here my rough thinking for 
what would possibly be useful.

The way I see it, the TF could "pre-chew" and fast track things for 
AGWG's attention, to avoid things bottlenecking at the AGWG discussion 

Decide for each (still valid) PR:

- is it a bug fix/editorial? Then just let AGWG know that this will be 
merged unless somebody says no. Give a week's notice, then merge if no 

- is it substantive? Keeping in mind that for non-normative documents 
"substantive" still should not cause a normative change, so should not 
really cause pearl-clutching: do initial check to make sure the PR 
doesn't introduce any apparent normative changes/uncertainties. See if 
it's mergeable. Then send to AGWG for more in-depth discussion if 
needed. Give AGWG two weeks or so to debate, and to decide whether or 
not there's any concerns with merging.

For issues (with no PR), there's an initial rub. TF to review the issue 
and again decide if it's still a valid concern. If yes, find somebody to 
do a PR, and then back to the above steps for PRs.

However, from today's meeting, all I'm now getting is that the TF will 
be mired in the same sort of process and debate etc that caused 
bottlenecks in AGWG. So where before there was one bottleneck of getting 
issues/PRs worked through by the WG, there's now a real danger that 
there now will be two bottlenecks ... the TF, and then the WG.

(related, I'm wondering, once the initial process discussions have been 
dealt with, if we should loosen - or completely remove - the need to 
minute things. the actual issues/PRs that are sent to WG, or closed 
because they're not valid anymore, etc should be self-explanatory - if 
we add comments etc to them. adding a whole minuting requirement on top 
of this seems like another unnecessary piece of process. I can already 
foresee "we need to spend one meeting working out a minuting rota". All 
these things are just 'stop energy', when really the whole point for me 
of the TF was to try to unblock things by being more agile?)

Patrick H. Lauke |

Received on Friday, 1 December 2023 18:44:53 UTC