New Teams and Topic areas

Hi All, 


Here are the new lineups for Teams A, B, and C 


The TEAM MAIL-LISTS  have all been updated to reflect these new teams. 


We do not have our database up yet.   It should be soon but please use the
following document link which will take you to a summary of comments to
date.    It will be continually updated.


Look at the items that relate to your group and start locating the past
issues that relate to them.  For now - please pass your links etc to your
leader (or whomever they designate) for each group (via the maillist).  They
will get them entered into the list.  So that the groups don't collide - I
have created a copy for each group starting with your group letter - use
that copy for your group.  I will combine the three groups later (and send
new items as a separate list you can add to the end).   Use of this list
should be for only a week or less. 


A - Gregg

B - John

C - Andi



1 - look at the list of issues and find ones that relate to your areas 

2 - look up items from bugzilla or other places that relate to solving the
comment (ok to suggest items on others but do yours first)

3 - try to suggest wording that would resolve the comment (ok to suggest
resolutions on others but do yours first)

4 - send 2 and 3 to your TEAM LIST - your lead will pick them up from there.






 -- ------------------------------ 
Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D. 
Professor - Ind. Engr. & BioMed Engr.
Director - Trace R & D Center 
University of Wisconsin-Madison 
The Player for my DSS sound file is at




*         Conformance 

*         1.2 [A] Provide
<>  synchronized
alternatives for multimedia 

*         1.4 [A] Make it
<>  easy to
distinguish foreground information from its background 

*         2.1 [A] Make all
functionality operable via a keyboard interface 

*         4.1 [A] Support
<>  compatibility
with current and future user agents (including assistive technologies) 

*         2.3 [G] Allow users to avoid
<>  content that could
cause seizures due to photosensitivity 

*         Gregg Vanderheiden                     

*         Ben Caldwell                   

*         David MacDonald     

*         Bruce  Bailey 

*         Alex Li     

*         Bengt Farre'  

*         Yvette Hoitink    




*         Intro

*         2.4 [B] Provide
mechanisms to help users find content, orient themselves within it, and
navigate through it 

*         3.1 [B] Make text content readable
<>  and understandable. 

*         3.2 [B] Make the
<>  placement
and functionality of content predictable. 

*         4.2  [B] Ensure
<>  that
content is accessible or provide an accessible alternative 

*         John Slatin   1

*         Loretta GuarinoReid    

*         Wendy    

*         Makoto   UeKi       

*         Katie Haritos-Shea 

*         Tim   Boland   

*         Sorcha Moore 



*         1.1 [C]  Provide text
<>  alternatives for
all non-text content 

*         1.3 [C] Ensure
that information and structure can be separated from presentation 

*         2.5  [C]Help users
<>  avoid mistakes
and make it easy to correct mistakes that do occur 

*         2.2 [C] Allow users to
<>  control time
limits on their reading or interaction 

*         Andi Snow-Weaver             

*         Christophe Strobbe        

*         Cynthia Shelly      

*         Michael Cooper        

*         Sofia Celic   

*         Becky Gibson    

*         Kerstin Goldsmith 



Group Assignment BY GUIDELINE 

*         1.1 [C]  Provide text
<>  alternatives for
all non-text content 

*         1.2 [A] Provide
<>  synchronized
alternatives for multimedia 

*         1.3 [C] Ensure
that information and structure can be separated from presentation 

*         1.4 [A] Make
<>  it easy
to distinguish foreground information from its background 

*         2.1 [A] Make all
functionality operable via a keyboard interface 

*         2.2 [C] Allow users to
<>  control time
limits on their reading or interaction 

*         2.3 [G] Allow users to avoid
<>  content that could
cause seizures due to photosensitivity 

*         2.4 [B] Provide
mechanisms to help users find content, orient themselves within it, and
navigate through it 

*         2.5 [C]Help users
<>  avoid mistakes
and make it easy to correct mistakes that do occur 

*         3.1 [B] Make text content
<>  readable and

*         3.2 [B] Make the
<>  placement
and functionality of content predictable. 

*         4.1 [A] Support
<>  compatibility
with current and future user agents (including assistive technologies) 

*         4.2 [B] Ensure
<>  that
content is accessible or provide an accessible alternative 




Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2006 13:17:24 UTC