LC 634: add role option to SC 1.1.1

With new technology such as roles within the WAI, you can assign the role 
of the object in a programmatically understandable way. So if assistive 
technology knows the role of a picture is as a bullet, or that a star means 
that something is required, or that spacer.gif is for spacing - why do you 
have to also fill in the alt tag?

Proposed Change:
Add to the list of options for SC 1.1.1: The role and behavior of non-text 
content can be programmatically determined.

I can't remember if roles were considered in the context of SC 1.1.1. 
Nevertheless, I'm not entirely comfortable with adding role as a fifth 
option, because of option 4 (knowing the role of captchas does not make 
them accessible).
Role information could be added to the other options, resulting in the 

1.1.1 For all non-text content, one of the following is true:
* If non-text content presents information or responds to user input, text 
alternatives serve the same purpose and present the same information as the 
non-text content. If text alternatives cannot serve the same purpose, then 
text alternatives at least identify the purpose of the non-text 
content<ins>, or the purpose of the non-text content can be 
programmatically determined</ins>.
* If non-text content is multimedia; live audio-only or live video-only 
content; a test or exercise that must use a particular sense; or primarily 
intended to create a specific sensory experience; then text alternatives at 
least identify the non-text content with a descriptive text label<ins>, or 
the purpose of the non-text content can be programmatically 
determined</ins>. (For multimedia, see also Guideline 1.2 Provide 
synchronized alternatives for multimedia .)
* If the purpose of non-text content is to confirm that content is being 
operated by a person rather than a computer, different forms are provided 
to accommodate multiple disabilities.
* If non-text content is pure decoration, or used only for visual 
formatting, or if it is not presented to users, it is implemented such that 
it can be ignored by assistive technology<ins>, or the purpose of the 
non-text content can be programmatically determined</ins>.

Couldn't find any about roles in this context.

[PARTIAL ACCEPT] (depends on discussion).



Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Departement of Electrical Engineering - Research Group on 
Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - 3001 Leuven-Heverlee - BELGIUM
tel: +32 16 32 85 51 


Received on Monday, 19 June 2006 15:58:49 UTC