LC 587: labeling form controls


The reviewer points out that SC 4.1.3 in the January 2006 version [1] 
explicitly addressed labels for form controls: "The label of each user 
interface control in the Web content that accepts input from the user can 
be programmatically determined and is explicitly associated with the 
control." In the Last Call Working Draft, this SC was removed and replaced 
by SC 4.1.2: "For all user interface components, the name and role can be 
programmatically determined, values that can be set by the user can be 
programmatically set, and notification of changes to these items is 
available to user agents, including assistive technologies."
<q>The problem is that 4.1.2 is absolutely inadequate. The "Role" of text 
input field is "text input"; the name could be "keyinput". 4.1.2 is basic 
software accessibility - leaving to the AT the process of figuring out what 
the prompt (label) is.</q>
Labels are covered by SC 1.3.1 but this is abstract and requires 
interpretation. So <q>there is no SC that specifically addresses labeling 
forms and I think that is a very serious mistake.</q>

Proposed Change: Please reinstate 4.1.3.

SC 4.1.3 was removed on the condition that the new SC 4.1.2 got accepted 
and that SC 1.3.1 would be changed to say that "Information and 
relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically 
determined (...)". SC 1.3.1 also has techniques such as "Using label 
elements to associate text labels with form controls" and "Providing a 
label for groups of radio buttons or checkboxes using the fieldset and 
legend elements."
However, SC 1.3.1 does not have a "failure due to omitting labels for form 
controls that are not of type hidden, submit, reset, image or button" (or 
"failure due to omitting labels for form controls for item selection or 
text input"). Should we add this?

I did not find Bugzilla issues that are directly related to this.
I think the proposal to rework the 4.1 SCs did not result from a Bugzilla 
issue. It was proposed at, 
surveyed at 
and resolved at

SC 1.3.1 covers form labels. We have added a "failure due to omitting 
labels for form controls for item selection or text input" to the 
techniques document.

Does this make sense? Or should we pass this on HOLD?

[1] This refers to an internal draft:


Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Departement of Electrical Engineering - Research Group on 
Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - 3001 Leuven-Heverlee - BELGIUM
tel: +32 16 32 85 51 


Received on Monday, 19 June 2006 15:02:13 UTC