Work plan February 23 - March 1

Hi - I was hoping to assign batches of techniques to people so we could
distribute the load. But it looks like people's schedules don't make
that possible. So this is an open call to review techniques. Please, if
you have any time take a few. We have to complete the work by next week,
and a few people will get stuck taking the entire load if nobody else
helps out.

The list of techniques that we need to review is in the wiki at:

All of our techniques are listed, and categorized. The first category is
the one I need you to look at. There are, currently, 17 techniques that
we haven't started to look at. We need to people to review these
techniques and come up with proposals to address any shortcomings you
find (see the general instructions I sent earlier -

Right now, I know Andi, Sofia, and I have committed to reviewing
techniques. Anybody else, please send me a quick note with an estimate
of how many techniques you think you will be able to review by the end
of the day Monday (North America time). For everyone, as you review
techniques, please put your name beside it in the status page above so
other people know not to duplicate effort. When you have finished
reviewing the technique and think it is ready for discussion, cut/paste
the technique into the next section, "Reviewed but not yet approved".
Then we will know it is ready to discuss in conference call. 

Some of us may end up working over the weekend on this. If you are
planning to review techniques, please indicate how many you will review
- or even go ahead and put your name beside them now - so we can plan
our weekends accordingly. If you claim a technique, though, PLEASE be
sure to complete the review by end of day Monday.

I will send a follow up about meeting times for next week. For now, we
should plan on our regular call Monday (Tuesday Japan / Australia), but
beginning an hour earlier than usual.


Received on Thursday, 23 February 2006 18:26:15 UTC