Updated GL 2.5 L3 SC 1

Hi All,

I revised the Guide Doc on GL 2.5 L3 SC1. 

The changes are:
 - Remove all placeholder text.
 - Delete "Situation C" from "Techniques for addressing 2.5 L3 SC1"
  (It described same words or letter combinations in a list)
 - Delete "b." from "Examples of 2.5 L3 SC1"
  (Note that "c." becomes "b." now.)
 - Add "mouse operation" to the second one of the "Benefits".

Michael, would you make sure if I followed your feedback you gave me
after this week team C call?

When I started my work, I reviewed the Techniques harvest.[1] But I
thought most of techniques are not suitable for text input assistance.
So I didn't mention about the followings as they won't be applied to
this SC.

- Confirmation window opens to show user action has completed.
I thought this is not a technique for text input assistance.

- Tooltips using title 
Tooltips on the browser window are the user agent issue.

- Help bubbles 
This can be a technique for text input assistance. However I don't know
if we can provide "Help bubbles" in an accessible way.

- (annoying) assistant in the corner of the page 
Does this mean an avatar or something? These things cannot be accessible
without the alternative.

However I might have misunderstood what these techniques are. Please let
me know if you have a suggestion to add these technique to my document.

And I don't have any "Technology-Independent techniques" and
"Technology-Specific Techniques" on my document. Is this OK??

[1] http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2005/06/30-tech-harvest.html


Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 12:13:19 UTC