Re: Updated Time: Team B Agenda for Mar 13, 2007

Augh - I just realized I'm the one with the conflict now. I've got another
meeting schedule at 19:00 UTC.

Sean, any chance we could start at 18:00 UTC and try to get an hour in?


On 3/12/07, Loretta Guarino Reid <> wrote:
> This is the week when the US changed to Daylight Savings time, out of
> synch with everyone else. I hope the following times are correct. If the
> shift in time is a problem for anyone else, please let me know.
> 18:30 UTC
> 11:30 AM Palo Alto
> 2:30 PM Boston
> 6:30 PM England
> 3:30 AM (Mar 14) Japan
> Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 Passcode 92248#
> port 6665 #wcag-teamb
> Agenda:
> 1.Level of captioning, etc:
> This discussion was put on hold while Sean and Loretta investigated
> support for captioning in Asian languages:
> Do we reopen the same proposal? How do we move forward on this issue?
> 2. Wording of SC 2.4.6: action item to Sean, Loretta, Becky, Ben
> Can we try to make progress here, even without Becky and Ben?
> Based on Cynthia's comments on last week's survey, here is a possible
> starting point:
> <proposal>
> When content is navigated via the keyboard, focus moves among
> task-appropriate groups of controls and, within those groups, in an order
> and direction appropriate for the task and the interface layout.
> </proposal>
> Survey results from the last proposal can be found at
> 3. SC 1.4.2 : action item to Sean, John, Loretta (all Team B members!)
> <>
> Comments can be found at:
> Issues :
> - John's experience with (foreground_ sound that overrides speech output;
> - should the 3 second exception be allowed?
> - should the SC go back to "background" audio
>  <>

Received on Monday, 12 March 2007 21:04:55 UTC