Re: 16 Jan 2007 Team B Meeting

Late regrets.

I tried to wake up at 3 am, but I couldn't make it.....
It is hard for me to join the call at 3 am. 6am, which is the same
time as the WG call, would be better for me ;-)

- Makoto

2007/1/16, Loretta Guarino Reid <>:
> 18:00 UTC
> 10:00 AM Palo Alto
> 1:00 PM Boston
> 6:00 PM England, Ireland
> 3:00 AM (Jan 17) Japan
> Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 Passcode 92248#
> port 6665 #wcag-teamb
> Agenda:
> 1. Review Team B proposals for survey
> 2.Review text scaling How To Meet pages for survey (Gez, will you have
> the additional technique written up?)

Received on Wednesday, 17 January 2007 03:15:22 UTC