Team B Agenda for Feb 20, 2007

18:00 UTC
10:00 AM Palo Alto
1:00 PM Boston
PM England, Ireland
3:00 AM (Jan 24) Japan
Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 Passcode 92248# port 6665 #wcag-teamb

1. Proposal to remove SC 1.4.6?
    (Sean, this came up in your survey responses last week. Have you
talked with Gregg, and do you want to propose this?)

2. Cognitive issues
 We have been waiting to address the cognitive issues until the Ad Hoc
Task Force met. It is time to review them and develop tentative
responses that we can discuss with Ad Hoc Task Force members.

Received on Monday, 19 February 2007 18:11:48 UTC