Comment LC-643 - 4.2.3 baselines

Hello Team B,

I had an action item to ask the main group about whether or not
technologies outside of the baseline should be accessible. In the
working group notes, Sorcha has already proposed a suitable

"Content implemented using technologies outside of the chosen baseline
satisfies all Level 1 and Level 2 requirements where supported
by/where possible to implement using those technologies."

I completely agree with that suggestion, but that's the intent of
4.2.4 [level 3]: "Content implemented using technologies outside of
the chosen baseline satisfies all Level 1 and Level 2 requirements
supported by the technologies"

I think a safer way of ensuring the baseline isn't open to abuse would
be to drop 4.2.4, replace 4.2.2 with a level 1 version of the proposed
wording, and accept the proposed wording at level 2.

I don't know what to do with this - do we discuss it amongst ourselves
until we agree to save bothering the main group?

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Wednesday, 5 July 2006 08:47:53 UTC