SC 2.4.1 - what problem are we trying to solve?

Michael populated HTML techniques for 2.4.1 last week, for which I am
grateful. However, the techniques makes me more confused than ever about
what problem this SC is trying to solve and how it differs from SC 1.3.

The current wording of the SC is "Programmatically expose common
navigational features".

The HTML techniques listed are

1. Grouping links (using ul, ol, div, or map to group links so that screen
readers can skip them)
2. Using the link element and navigation tools (using the rel attribute of
link in the head)
3. Skipping link groups (provide ways to skip to the main content)

In this context, technique 1 sounds like "be sure to apply 1.3 to content
containing links". And shouldn't providing headings for the section
containing the links and the main content section be another way to do this?

Technique 2 sounds like a technique to satisfy 2.4.8.

Technique 3 sounds like a way to satisfy 2.4.3. Perhaps it is meant to cover
situations where the information at the beginning of the content isn't
repeated? The description for when it should be used is not very testable.

We list 3 Common Failures:
    1.  Failure due to using structural markup for presentation effects.
    2.  Failure due to Header misuse.
    3.  Failure due to using scripting events instead of anchors.

The first two sound like 1.3 issues. Should they be listed here, too?

The first failure sounds like it does relate to the success criterion. But
isn't it also covered by 1.3 and 4.1.2?

If we have no techniques and no common failures that aren't already covered
by other SC, do we need this one?


Received on Thursday, 26 January 2006 15:26:07 UTC