Team B meeting minutes, Jan 4, 2006

Attendees: John Slatin, Yvette Hoitink, Becky Gibson, Loretta Guarino Reid,
Lisa Seeman

1. Discuss Organization of Work
  Loretta will help John with Team B coordination


Create Issues/work summary for GL 2.4 (Loretta/John by Monday)

GL 1.3

  1.3.1 - 
    John will review issues 1795 & 1863 and send summary and/or proposal by
    Loretta will write plain text technique

  1.3.2 - need techniques for 2 situations
          Option C: select technology, check for API - Becky to write
technique & test

  1.3.3 - do we need tests for the html techniques? Or is the general
technique sufficient?

  1.3.4 - Becky and Lisa to write situation B technique and test

  1.3.5 - Becky will enter John's proposal into Wiki today

  1.3.6 - needs tests; issue of level in questionaire; we don't think
current wording is appropriate for level 1

Loretta to add Gregg's proposal for 1.3.2 wording to questionaire. Adopting
this means removing the Pattern technique for situation b. Becky to update
Wiki for 1.3.2

Received on Wednesday, 4 January 2006 17:17:16 UTC