Re: Tuesday, Aug 8 Team B Meeting

Gez, this is a nice example, especially since it combines several techniques
simultaneously. I definitely would like to add it to our unwritten HTML
technique, Creating HTML links to skip blocks of content,  and to H69
(Providing Heading elements at the beginning of each section of content).

Currently, there are three Skip navigation techniques using links:
1. Provide a link to the main content
2. Provide a link at the beginning of each repeated block to the end of that
3. Provide a set of links to each area of content

If there is only one navigation area and one main content area, these
techniques are effectively all the same.

If there are two navigation areas and one main content, then these
techniques would be:
1. Provide a Skip to Main Content link at the top of the page. If you want
to get to the second Navigation area, you must tab through the first.
2. At the beginning to each navigation area, provide a link to the end of
that area. The link for the first area might be title "Skip to end of
Navigation Area 1" or it might be titled "Skip to Navigation Area 2". The
links let you jump from area to area, so it takes two tab to reach the main
3. At the top of the page provide a table of links to both navigation areas
and the main content

Techniques 1 and 3 are described in Jim Thatcher's materials, but technique
2 is not. 

One question is whether technique 2 is actually a technique that we want to
list, given that it doesn't appear to be in common use.

Another question is whether the techniques should include guidance about
when it is better to use one or the other.


On 8/8/06 2:47 AM, "Gez Lemon" <> wrote:

> On 07/08/06, Loretta Guarino Reid <> wrote:
>> 2.      Review status of items sent back to Team B at last WG meeting
>> (LC-701, LC-915, LC-969)
> For LC-701:
> I had trouble trying to understand the comments, including the
> original comment. Could we use something like the following as an
> example (first link in the block bypasses the rest of the block):
> <ul id="navigation">
> <li><a href="#content">Content title</a></li>
> <li><a href="/a/">Link A</a></li>
> <li><a href="/b/">Link B</a></li>
> <li><a href="/c/">Link C</a></li>
> ...
> <li><a href="/j/">Link J</a></li>
> </ul>
> <h2 id="content">Content title</h2>
> <p>
> Lorem ipsum ...
> </p>
> This kind of approach allows people dependent on keyboard navigation
> using regular graphic browsers to skip large groups of repeated
> content, whilst facilitating heading navigation with AT where it's
> supported.
> Best regards,
> Gez

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2006 13:48:33 UTC