thoughts on epilepsy provision

1)       we should add a sufficient technique that if flashing is smaller
than 85 x 64 pixel rectangle it is sufficient.  (since that is 1/4 of test
square we use) 

2)       that we perhaps talk about  341 x 256 rectangle on a XX dpi or
greater display.  That would get rid of 1024 x 768 display spec.    Have to
think about this one.   But thought I would toss it out for thought.   Seems
like it might not work if computers auto scale a page to the browser window.
If you don't spec the screen size to you make the process indeterminate? 




Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D. 
Professor - Depts of Ind. Engr. & BioMed Engr.
Director - Trace R & D Center 
University of Wisconsin-Madison 
< <>> FAX 608/262-8848  

The Player for my DSS sound file is at 




Received on Monday, 11 September 2006 19:30:29 UTC