issue 1850


Issue 1850 is the only remaining 1.2 issue we should address prior to
last call.

1850. Captioning on live multimedia at level 1

Bruce Bailey says:
Any success criteria that maps closely to the Section 508 Electronic and
Information Technology Accessibility Standards must be at level 1.

The most significant deviation in this regard is the lack of the
requirement for captioning on live
multimedia (1.2.3). (The recent editor's draft deviates even further in
proposing that transcripts be
considered acceptable at level 1 for prerecorded multimedia.)

Propose closing this with the following comment:

The working group was unable to gain consensus about including this
criterion at level 1. However, our conformance model provides a
mechanism for specifying conformance to specific level criterion beyond
level 1.

Ben Caldwell | <>
Trace Research and Development Center <>

Received on Tuesday, 14 March 2006 18:32:02 UTC