Re: Flash blocking technique for 2.3?

On 31/01/06, Christophe Strobbe <> wrote:
> Maybe it can be used to display a warning to users whose browser supports
> Flash but who are sensitive to flashing content. The stylesheet would cause
> a warning to be displayed (see SC 2.3.1: "...users are warned in a way that
> allows them to avoid it") and the content is only displayed at the user's
> request.

Good point, and it might be something that could be developed into a
good solution. It's downfall is that it relies on CSS and scripting to
be enabled. A solid solution would be to ensure that people don't
arrive on a page with Flashing content until they've agree to do so.

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2006 19:28:23 UTC