Re: Assisgment 3.2 L1 SC1

Hi Ben,

On 20/09/05, Ben Caldwell <> wrote:
> Is this already covered by 4.2 L1 SC6 (Changes to content, structure,
> selection, focus, attributes, values, state, and relationships within
> the content can be programmatically determined.)?

Yes, possibly. Changes to the DOM can be programmatically determined,
but my concern is that the changes are reflected back to the user. I
also don't know of any techniques that could be used to reflect the
change back to the user. A visual technique suggested by 37 signals is
to use a yellow fade technique to highlight the section that had
changed, and slowly fade back to normal. That technique obviously has
accessibility issues, but I've no ideas at the moment how to get
around it accessibly.

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Tuesday, 20 September 2005 18:02:38 UTC