WCAG Team A Agenda 20 September, 2005

Agenda resend - first version had some formatting issues and broken links...

20 September 2005 Meeting Information (WCAG Team A)
Time: 18:00 UTC, 8 PM Central Europe, 2 PM Eastern US, 1 PM Central US,
11 AM Pacific US
Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 Passcode: 92242# (WCAGA)
IRC: irc.w3.org port: 6665 channel #wcag-teama


   1. Gez's proposal for a SC on remote scripting [1]
   2. Neil's draft guide doc for L2 SC3 [2]
   3. Chris's post on tests for 3.2 [3]
   4. Proposals from Gez regarding definitions for "focus" and "change
      in context" vs. "change in context"  [4]
   5. Next steps

Action Items

    * ACTION: Everyone. Continue work on guide docs and techniques for
      each SC.
    * ACTION:Team A will look at better words than "complete" and
      "main" [5]
    * ACTION:Sofia to look at concerns about removing "user agent
      user interface controls" [6]
    * ACTION:Alex draft guide doc for L3 SC1 [7]
    * ACTION:david draft guide doc for L2 SC4 [8]


-Gregg and Ben

[5] <http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action02>
[6] <http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action01>
[7] <http://www.w3.org/2005/09/08-wcag-teama-minutes.html#action03>
[8] <http://www.w3.org/2005/09/08-wcag-teama-minutes.html#action08>

Ben Caldwell | <caldwell@trace.wisc.edu>
Trace Research and Development Center <http://trace.wisc.edu>

Received on Monday, 19 September 2005 19:24:34 UTC